I made the play...it's a minor part, which is actually probably a good thing. If I got too much more to do, my schedule would probably explode. Here's how it looks:
6:30 -- Leave for school
7:00 -- Marching band for anywhere between 45 minutes and 3 hours. Depending on the day.
8:00/8:30 - 3:00-- School...
3:15 - 5:00 --Play practice.
5:15 -- Come home...do homework.
6:30 -- Leave for Jazz Band (on Tuesdays...only for two more weeks).
8:30 -- Come home from Jazz Band.
I might start getting to bed later if this continues...
Maybe I should do my Pre-Calc homework so I don't have to tomorrow. >_>
I saw Death Proof on Saturday. I was very entertained...the best part in the whole movie (and one of my new favorite all-time movie moments) is when Kurt Russel's character glances toward the camera for like two seconds. It's perfect.
I have my first Speech & Debate tournament on Friday. I'm excited and nervous. Excited because I've never been to a speech tournament before, and nervous becuase I've never been to a speech tournament before. I'll probably suck...I just finished memorizing my piece yesterday, and it'll be great once I get it perfect...but it's not perfect yet. I'm sure a lot of competetors are in my position.