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Same Old Story.

Jazz band's playing at an assembly on Friday. We're playing our easy songs...the tough ones haven't been figured out quite yet. :P I'm doing better with the songs, but it's still freaking hard to hit a high F on a bari sax. :x

I have about half of my H.I. memorized. There's a competition October I should work on getting the rest memorized. :P It shouldn't be too bad since I've read through it literally about a hundred times, not to mention all the revisions and cuts I made. should be good...if I do it right. >_>

I auditioned for the school play on Monday. I really want the results to be posted...after I went, the Speech head just went, "Great. Very good." That could mean one of several things:

  1. "You did well."
  2. "I can't give any indication on how you really did because I haven't seen everyone else yet."
  3. "You lose."

So yeah...maybe it'll be up tomorrow. :P

You know the c|ass I got the "family" project in? Our teacher just gave us another considerate. :x This one should take longer and take more effort. Neat...

Heroes on Monday was pretty good, I thought. I mean, it is the season premiere, so it had to set up a bunch of stuff...and it did great with that. :D I also watched Chuck, which is pretty funny. :P

But tomorrow The Office. Hell yes. 8)
