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When I'm Home, I Think I'll Go Eat Cereal and Stare Out the Window.

Somehow I got sucked into Fantasy Football...which if you know what I'm like, you know I hate sports. -_- I don't have to do anything, but I did have to spend like six hours today drafting a team. I didn't know anything about the players so my dad and brother helped. So how do I, the disliker of sports, get into this? Force...I didn't want to, but they kinda made me. I apparently picked a bunch of good players though, so other people can't have them...I guess that's a plus.

Speech & Debate has been really fun. I'll stay after school and hang out in the auditorium (which is basically our stomping ground) and talk to people who know more about it than I do. The director of it says he found a gread "dead-pan" comedy piece for me to do...which apparently is like straight-faced dark comedy. I love that kind. ^__^

The marching band had their first performance on Friday. We did alright, considering that we're not that good yet. The second movement sounds totally awesome. 8) We lost the football game, though.

I have a test in almost every c|ass this week...and the only reason I don't have a test in one is because we had one last week. -_- Maybe I'll check my grades...

I got a couple more songs on iTunes:

"The City That Day" by Matt Skiba. Short and sweet...check it out sometime. You can stream it on MySpace. :)
"Walking Disaster" by Sum 41. I'm a fan of the band...and while I'm not sure than it's worth buying the entire new album, I'll definitely be picked several out. ;)

I started playing the first Metroid Prime again...I only got like 23% done the first time I tried because I didn't really like it. Can you imagine that? I like it a lot better now, though...I know what I'm doing.
