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Nanny state,politicians and Gaming

Today I came across a story about US Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) claiming the video game industry continues to make games that glorify guns.She also mentions the Sandy Hook shooter that shot and killed himself along with 20 children as being a "deranged gamer". She is right about one thing. HE WAS DERANGED, but it has nothing to do with him being a gamer. Dianne Feinstein feels Congress could step in and start regulating the gaming industry on what kind of content can be released to the public. Politicians that feel the government can make anything better are sadly mistaken. Governments are the cause of a huge portion of issues all over the world. North Korea is a prime example of government control. NK has state run tv, no contact with the outside world, no internet. The biggest one to me personally are no freedoms of any kind. The NK laws and rules would be a dream in the USA for politicians like Senator Dianne Feinstein and her cronies, they can argue the opposite of what I said all they want, but take a step back and look at how many laws and rules we are taking on every year, month, week and day. Our founding fathers never wanted a "Nanny state" for this country and would not stand for politicians over stepping the very thin line of being a democracy and a dictatorship. Americans need to wake up and remember that the United States has done more in 200+ years then countries that are 2,000+ years old, and America did it with freedom and sticking to our Constitution. We the people employ these politicians, we elect them, we let them feel they are better than us, we let them try to take control of our lives. WE need to wake up and start putting our foot down by using what our founding fathers have given us, the right to vote for the other guy.