I want the PS3 to fail, but my 360 has nothing to do with that desire.
I want it to fail because:
1. I don't want the industry to think that trojaning an agenda apart from videogames e.g. a movie format at the expense of the gamer is a good idea.
2. I don't want future console makers to be rewarded for smoke and mirrors marketing, CGI and flat-out lies.
3. I don't want future videogame CEO's to be complete lunatics.
4. I don't want future videogame consoles to think that gamers will pay any price for their machines.
5. I don't want future videogame makers to continue to make the process of game development a difficult one.
Basically, the vast majority of the decisions that Sony made with this console were not good for the gamer or the industry. It's lackluster sales, mass exodus of exclusives and it's overall tipping on the edge of failure is a great message to the future Sony consoles, the future MS consoles, Nintendo and whoever else jumps in this ring.
If the PS3's failure continues, we can hope to see a gaming future where they listen more to what the gamer wants instead of telling them what they want. We will see console makers focus on VIDEOGAMING and not movies. We will see companies realize that price DOES matter. We will see console makers use proven technology. We will see console makers that develop with the developer in mind.
If the PS3 succeeds then I hate to see the lessons learned by the industry if Sony's horrible decisions were rewarded.
I have my beef with Microsoft too, mostly in their quality department, however, they made decisions that were ultimately good for gaming and the gamer while Nintendo has cleverly discovered a way to expand an already huge market to non-gamers.
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