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PSP2 and 3DS. What am I going to do with myself??
My previews...
3D? SO WHAT?! Thats exactly what I am thinking about this. Although it sounds cool in theory, I don't believe this will catch on honestly. Once Avatar (James Cameron) came out it seems that many people have been RACING to get 3D in consumers hands. We saw what happened with the 3D TV, hardly anyone is buying. Its more of a toy; something people buy just to say "I have it!" Not even the idea of watching AVATAR in 3D at home made sales better.
3D, in my opinion, only belongs in IMAX theatres. Plus something is scaring me about 3D without glasses. I don't want to play a game and my eyes explode (exaggeration of course...). Note that Nintendo has already set an age limit because kids eyes might not be "fully developed".
Not only the un-impressive-ness of the 3D, but I think we all know that Nintendo aren't exactly pros at a game library. YES, they do have some hits like Zelda, Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and few others, but I dont feel like shuffling through "Maters Tall Tales", "Monkey King", various (repetitive) dance games, and ugly ports of NBA and NFL games to get to those great hits! Street Fighter 4 for 3DS is a great start, but its only a matter of time before we see "iCarly: Adventures of Carly Shay in 3D!" on shelves.
This is a MACHINE! Did you see the specs? WOW!
Its funny how when the 3DS first came out with demos, Nintendo fans were saying "NOW WHAT SONY! LOOK AT OUR GRAPHICS!" Then, in classic Sony form, that crush it with the handheld PS3, the PSP2. Now Nintendo fans are saying "Well...its not only about the graphics you know...its also the games!" HA! *sarcasm* I really want to play "Phineas and Ferb" in 3D!
Touch screen with a track pad. HD-looking graphics. It is nearly perfect. Nearly.
I feel that the track pad is a little awkward honestly. I will have to use it to see how it feels, but i can imagine me dropping it multiple times. Sony also has a habit of leaving out the little things, like an alarm clock for example. I own both a PSP and DS (Lite) and I appreciate using my DS alarm! It's really handy! I hope that Sony doesn't leave out some of these simple pleasures.
Sony are professional library builders. Tekken, Call of Duty, SOCOM, Ratchet and Clank, and a lot more hits that really make Sony's systems stand out.
One thing is price. Sony can get really expensive, so I will probably wait until that projected $500 price tag goes down a little.
I am thanking the video game lords that you guys have not tried to do a "XBOX Portable" thing. Usually when you come out with stuff, I am left with a burnt out piece of plastic and metal after a few weeks. Honestly the only reason you guy sell is HALO (I still dont see the big deal about it) and thats it. While I do applaud you for XBOX Live, you guys have a history of ruining it for me (Vista...).
Well its been a long time since I've written anything. So i guess ill update you guys on what I've been up to in gamer world...
I AM STILL STUCK ON DR.NEFARIOUS (Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal). I ve been doing the bonus mode and I ve breezed through it until Dr. Nefarious. I guess I ll go back to Starship Phoenix and do some missions to upgrade my weapons. I did finally get the R3YNO...
I m still Brawlin' outta control (Super Smash Brothers: Brawl). This game is truly timeless. Just give me Snake or Sonic and its O-V-E-R! Good thing I have sibs because they really help me practice. You know, get my skillz up. Hey, they are no joke too!
I am really excited for the Playstaion Move. Its really making the Wii look primitive in comparison. The presice-ness of it is amazing. It looks like Sony, again, is coming with a solid library for it.
As you can see, my gaming world has been pretty slow, but I'll keep you updated...
I feel bad for Sonic the Hedgehog...
I remember back when I was about four years old (1999) and I had first heard of Sonic the Hedgehog. My parents used to give me quaters and I used to spend them on candy or a little HotWheel toy. I remember when my dad came home one day with a magizine about the "Blue Blur vs. Mario". I was used to Mario by then, the first (video)game I ever played was a Mario game and I thought he was the best thing since the 1989 model Ford Mustang HotWheel. When I saw this little blue rodent thing actually standing up to my little plumber idol, I new i had to try him out.
Coincidentally, my pops brought (our first) PC and he had "Sonic 3D Blast". I remember me playing that game for hours straight. The levels were well designed and it was fast paced
Now lets fast-forward 11 years (wow its been that long!)...
Since "Sonic 3D Blast", Sonic has risen to my favortie videogame character of all time. He owns my favorite videogame of all time (Sonic Adventure 2), my hardest videogame (Sonic the Hedgehog 3), even "The Game I'm Most Stoked About" (Sonic Colors). But lately, his adventures have been getting panned hard (very hard) by critics (especially GameSpot critics I might add). Some are true (Sonic the Hedgehog *2006* was one of the worst videogames of all time. I was really ashamed to call myself a Sonic the Hedgehog fan), and some werent true (Sonic Unleashed was rated only a 7.0 *Wii*. I thought it was one of the greatest games of that year *2008*), and some are flat-out WRONG (Sonic Riders *PC* was only rated a 6.0. It should've been rated higher. Look for my review...). I honestly dont see where Gamespot is going with their reviews. It seems that if it has "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG" on it, they slap it with a bad review. I feel bad that Sonic the Hedgehog's games arent getting the recognition they deserve...
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