Well its been a long time since I've written anything. So i guess ill update you guys on what I've been up to in gamer world...
I AM STILL STUCK ON DR.NEFARIOUS (Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal). I ve been doing the bonus mode and I ve breezed through it until Dr. Nefarious. I guess I ll go back to Starship Phoenix and do some missions to upgrade my weapons. I did finally get the R3YNO...
I m still Brawlin' outta control (Super Smash Brothers: Brawl). This game is truly timeless. Just give me Snake or Sonic and its O-V-E-R! Good thing I have sibs because they really help me practice. You know, get my skillz up. Hey, they are no joke too!
I am really excited for the Playstaion Move. Its really making the Wii look primitive in comparison. The presice-ness of it is amazing. It looks like Sony, again, is coming with a solid library for it.
As you can see, my gaming world has been pretty slow, but I'll keep you updated...