Has anyone heard of Maple Story it is so fun it takes a while to download but it is so worth it. you can fight with weapons you buy. and make new online friends. So if you have an account on Maple Story if you don't mind posting a picture of your charecter. Here is mine: http://i24.tinypic.com/2rqgiud.gif
If anyone would like to battle me on Diamond or Pearl I will be avaliblebetween 12:00 (noon)- 2:00 (pm) on Monday, July 9. We will battle over Wi-Fi. So if you would like to battle me send a message to GameMaster272 and what time you want to play and I'll tell you yes that is O.K or sorry that time has been taken. The battle will be at the most 15 minutes each. So a battle will be every 15 minutes. Sorry for any problems but the highest level you can go up to Lv. 90.
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