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Meeting my former senpai (kind of)

Since I barely have anything to share on Fuse I figured i'd go with blog posts until I can actually say something game related again. If you remember my previous post where I wrote about how my gaming life began, this is the continuation of that one. This is something I almost never talk about, I've told about 2-3 people about the WHOLE story and that took me a while! But then again I only mentioned the 'good' parts from my story (Auron moment!) That means you guys will read everything. Yes, even the tiniest little detail... Shall we begin then? Now then, where was I... Oh right. The options to why I hated my first gaming experience. Unless you've figured it out it's quite obvious I was living in denial. And my body and brain made sure that I was aware of it! I remember clearly how I had a hard time concentrating on anything in school. My brain was filled with thoughts of Tomb Raider. My hand were itching, I couldn't sit still and And minutes felt like years... I did this to myself for probably 2 weeks until my parents thought I'd caught a fever for behaving weird. Thing is, I actually had gotten a fever, but not because of not playing games, I just think it might've triggered it. Anyway, my father let me stay home for a couple of days so I figured I'd give gaming another try, you know just to be sure that I really hated it as much as I was making myself believe I was. I'd pretty much only put in TR again, before the doorbell rung. I don't exactly remember where my father was doing during the time, but he wasn't around when I heard the doorbell ring but I didn't do because of the typical: "don't answer the door when you're alone!" Even if I wanted to see who was at the door I couldn't because of my length, so I played smart and checked who it was through the mail slot, lol! (Swedish apartments have the 'mailbox' on the door itself so the mail-men let the mail fall in to the apartment.) The response I got from the person was: "Det är Heini, jag tänkte lämna tillbaka något jag lånat från Tania"... To those of you who don't understand Swedish that translates to "It's me, Heini, I'd like to return something I borrowed from Tania" Since I'd seen my sister, Tania, spend time with this person, Heini, I figured it was okay to let her in and so I did. When I opened the door I couldn't help but look at her in admiration. Purple dreads, black leather shoes, and a black dress. Oh yes, goth! She handed me the item she had borrowed and was about to leave when she kind of stopped herself. She looked at me and then kind of scanned the place until she seemed to spot something. She then asked: "Are you playing TR3 by any chance?" I remember doing some weird nod that just made me question myself, lol. But I did take her to the living room where I had the weirdest gaming setup in history. I don't even know why I had the PS on top of the TV that was on top on a stool. Out of nowhere she just sat down in the sofa and started playing! I was like o__o But I still sat down and started playing like nothing was wrong at all. This went on for about half an hour. At that point I'd gotten stuck and didn't know how to progress... but to my aid senpai, Heini, stepped in. (didn't call her senpai until much later btw) Unfortunately I don't exactly remember where I was stuck and how she helped me, but she gave me lots of tips because I clearly have an image in my head where I'm sitting in her lap and holding the remote while she is kind of demonstrating what i'm suppose to press. That went on for a while until my father came back from where ever he had been. He, unfortunately, asked senpai to leave and when she did I still remembered everything she had shown/taught me so I remember really loving TR3 after that. The next day she actually called me and said that she had some games she though I'd enjoy and that is the start of our gaming sessions together. I'll take that another day though!