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Perfect Dark Zero blog rant

Now most people either ignore or dont give a sh!t about these blog rants but for those of you who have nothing better to do then read the cr*p I write really fast I thought id inform you about PDZ. Now perfect dark zero is a pretty good game with decent graphics, although they will make you barf on splitscreen, you may not want to get it unless you like bots with bad AI or have online capabilities where the fun happens. Now I have no online nor have I played it before so i have low standards, but who care about me. The single player is fun enough and offers multiple difficulty levels Agent, secret agent, perfect agent and F*UCKING dark agent. agent is too easy, secret agent is just right, perfect agent is way too hard and goddamned dark agent was created to be literally impossible. All of the 13 levels can be enjoyed through co-op and stealth is present though minimal. Now, after the rigourous training session know as single player you are ready to embark into multiplayer. Now mutiplayer contains many modes, including standard matches such as deathmatch, and capture the flag and other wierd modes like eradication where 2 teams of 16 battle it out, each man with one life, and an infection game like a die and become a zombie also type game. the guns are all distinct in there own way and have secondary and teritiary function that are often cool. So the game is great online and decent everywhere else, if this stupid rant has convinced anyone (if anyone has even read it) you should probably get this game.