PS3 currently cannot play music stored on the hard drive during a game, but now they are coming out with a new upgrade in which it can, (xbox has always been able to do it). However on PS3 the game developpers will need to decide to include that feature in the game, where as xbox can do it in all games. Also on that upgrade, a new trophey system will be introduced in which you gain tropheys for completeing certain objectives, its odd but it sounds alot like achievements :lol: once again this is not maditory, but will be included if the developpers want to include it (xbox games requier achivements before publication). The online is also modeling itself after xbox and everyone is all excited about the new voice communication during online play for PS3 which has already been made on the xbox. More and more the PS3 is modeling itself after xbox until there will be no difference between the two besides PS3'S bad load times and worse game selection.
To any PS3 fanboys, dont give me sh!t for this because im only telling the truth, its truly sad that PS3 has even less features then xbox 360 (hence the upgrades) considering it came out a year and a half after. And to top it off sony cant think of their own features so they steal 360's features and change the name to make it seem different. At least this upgrade is not as sh!tty as the Solid State Drive.