Pokerus is a virus that happens in Pokemon very, very rarely. It doubles the EVs you get (Effort Values) from Pokemon until it wears off. This is the first time I got the virus, on my first playthrough of Pokemon Emerald. I bet I'm wrong, but I heard it's even rarer than a shiny pokemon. I'm not too interested in taking advantage of it since I don't plan to use the team competitively, but I think it's pretty cool that I lucked out like this.
Speaking of lucking out, I had a final exam last Friday. Before our class took it, though, results from the same subject (but different class) were posted on the door. And of about 20 people, only 3 passed, and the highest was a 79. So I was pretty worried about how I would do, considering I never did very well on tests in that class. Well I was the last one done in my class (by about half an hour, no less), and pretty worried about how I did (I had to guess on about half of them). Turns out I got an 85 on it, and that's the highest grade of the class (besides some guy I don't know who got a 93), which is at least 20 points higher than I was expecting (this was out of 100 questions, by the way).
Then in gym (on the same day as the exam), I managed to shoot a basket from over halfway across the gym with one hand, which was complete luck. There was absolutely no way I could have done that a second time, and I was 104% sure thatI'd miss it in the first place.
A lot of things have gone my way these past few days. That's worth reviving a blog for if you ask me.