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I know i know....

I'm aware that Duke lost to WVU. But to be honest I couldn't be happier for WVU. I am from WV(go to PSU) but I am happy that they are finally getting some respect. Other than hit on my bracket, my bracket is still top among many of my friends. My best possible score that i can get is 164 out 192. It looks, unless a huge upset happens i will get close to that.

That Seriously Almost Screwed Up My Ballot

Duke almost lost to Belmont. The final score was 71-70. I have Duke going to the 4th round, losing to UCLA. SO yea i'm glad that Duke won this game. It would have been a huge upset and Duke's second exit in the first round in consecutive years. My choice for National Champions is North Carolina over UCLA.

What's The Big Deal??

Okay, with all the negativity around MLB 2k8 it really makes me wonder if they aren't good at the game or just didn't play itthoroughly. I'm not trying to sound like a pro 2k person or anything like that but some of the complaints: likeframe-rate issuesand bad fielding have not been aproblemat all for me. They took a chance with the pitching mechanic and it works very well. And on top of that they the truly addicting trading card system. It's ok not to like the game but hate on it no reason but that's what it seems like to me. OXM gave it a 6 and Gamespot give a 6.5 and was like, "Did they play the same game I played?" If anyone want to refute what I said or you agree just post a comment. Thanks.

The Demo That Never Was

I know it's not a huge deal but with the Mlb 2k8 coming out tomorrow, I was hoping to become familar with the new pitching scheme with a demo. I do believe that it was confirmed that one was supposed to come out but as of now, and frankly I no longer care, there is no demo. So I guess it's just me venting from other things that have happened in the week but it's still stupid and unfortunate that they would not release the demo. I saw the On the Spot episode with Ben Brinkman and he said it should come out soon but we all know how those things pan out. So, it's not that bad since the game comes out tomorrow( I won't have until Thursday though- online order) and that's good news. I just wanted to spread my two cents on the matter because I know other people were upset about this issue too.

Something I Did Not Know

I was just searching the internet on info for the Zune. I have a Mac. So I found it very suprising when I found out that the Zune works on OSX but not fully. Apparently it uses the XNJB program but still has much to work on. As a proud owner of an ipod and future ipod touch owner( yes i will shell 499.00 for that) it has to be said that the zune is a little shallow compared to the ipod. But with that said I am still excited for the future and hopefully they will continue to add support for the Apple users.

Got my WOW Trial Edition (Courtesy of Gamefly)

I am trying out Wow but it's only a version for 14 days. I just got in the mail from Gamefly for a being "a long time member" or whatever that means. The good things is I didn't have to pay for it. I have really liked MMORPG's but i'll give a try. Just wondering if anyone else that has Gamefly got this also. Anyway, I'll have another post in a few days.

HUGE NEWS: HD-DVD has been cancelled. Blu-ray has won the format war.

In what was seen to happen in only a matter of time, is nowofficial.HD-DVD has won the format war. I thought that HD could make a comeback with the price cuts it was making but it was all in desperation. So from this, many might wonder if Microsoft had known this all along and if they will soon introduce a Blu-Ray player for the Xbox 360. I really didn't care which format won, as long get back to buying movies. I was justwaiting for one to win and now that has happened. I guess HD-DVD will best be remembered with the ranks of Betamax. HD's fate was pretty much closed when Wal*Mart decided to stop shipping HD-DVD players. Source:

Thinking of Purchasing a PS3...

I have never really been a big fan of Sony, as many of you know, but I can't help but sort kinda want the PS3. I am still not happy about the price tag but with the new "white" model coming out soon, there might be another price drop in the near future. If the PS3 had better exclusive titles than I think i would have MAYBE made a purchase. I'm not saying that it inevitable that I'm going to buy one but with the great titles coming on PS3 this year, it's hard to contain myself.Titles such as GT5(prolouge), Haze,Metal Gear Solid IVand multiple others. Also, I'm not sure if HD DVD will win the next gen format war. But the PS3 is the cheapest blu-ray out there and with the games it's hard for me to withstand all this much longer. I still like the Xbox 360 best, not being a fanboy but I aways played Xbox, and I think that it'll be the main console and then the PS3, and then the Wii( which i really haven't used latley.... but I think it'll get dusted off whenevere I buy No More Heroes). So, i am excited for the PS3 and hopefully it will be a good addition to good collection of games.

Thoughts on the Gamespot Game of the Year Awards.....

Ok, Super Mario Galaxy was an upset( over the Bioshock that was't even on the goty ballot)!. Instead, it's place was Forza Motorsport 2. Now don't get me wrong FM 2 was a good RACING game but it didn't even live up to it's hype. In all of this Metroid Prime 3 was nowhere to be found on any ballot, even on best shooter. I have never liked the Metroid series but I knew they were good. They just weren't my style. I don't what the deal was to exclude a title like that in the awards, it should have at the least been mentioned. It also seems to me like Gamespot are fanboys for Medal of Honor 2. The series was never good. Let's get that straight right now. We didn't have COD and Brothers and Arms for it to compete with, so now it just looks like it should, bad.As said before, I'm not upset with SMG winning game of the year, it's a great game.
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