I just don't understand why parents hate video games. They always say retarded stuff like " you'll get ju-ju eyeballs if you keep playing those games" or the whole "those games rot your brain" statement they always pull out in the middle of Gamestop when they refuse to buy you a game. Is it just because parents are old and grumpy? Do the send death threats to Nintendo? Do they rob game stores in the middle of the night, take the games tobeach and bury them 500 ft. deep?!! Like my cousin for example, he really wants a PS3 but his mom says he's too old for games and can't buy one (even if he comes up with the money). It's retarded crap. I say the video game companies of the world use mind control, forcing parents into enjoying video games (i mean, at least they keep us busy so parents really should love them, right?)!
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