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WTF IS it about Jack Thompson

By now you should know who Jack Thompson is by now, the so called "protector of our youth", pffth protector my ass! This guy obviously is just plain bored, so he makes up all this crap about videogames being evil, here's a tip Jackie, video games don't kill people, the person playing it is the one who kills someone. Give it a break JT, no one(in the video game world) Likes you maybe you get a supporter from a parent or two but thay are lazy and want the parenting done for them, so give us a break already, I  mean this guy is just plain dumb, and his last attack on a game proved it.

A while back JT, attacked Rockstar's newest game Bully, calling it a "Columbine Simulator" OMG  how stupid is that last time I checked Columbine had guns, in Bully your strongest weapons was a Slingshot and after his loss he whine about it as usual give us a break already I say SCREW YOU JACK THOMPSON!!!! 

Ok that was just a little rant I had, but I felt like writing this.