Please post here the Role Playing Game that started your addiction into RPGs! Mine was the original Dragon Warrior on the NES. I was about 7 or 8 years old when that game was first released. Back then, we didn't have the internet to check on reviews or watch videos on the games before coming to a decision whether that game was worth picking up. We did have Nintendo Power magazine and Gamepro magazine but most of our decisions were influenced by either a friend who already owned and played the game and the box art. The box art on the original Dragon Warrior, to me, looked awesome. A knight staring down a huge dragon drawed me to the game. The second I popped the NES cart in and started to play, it confused the heck out of me on what to do. RPGs weren't that abundant and popalar at the time as 2D action/adventure/platformers dominated that era of gaming. Without the internet or any type of game guide, I attempted to figure out the game myself. Luckily for me, I had a cousin who also owned and beaten the game which helped me figure out the parts I got stuck while playing. Once I figured out what to do, I thoroughly enjoyed that style of game and wanted another like it. Then came DW2, DW3, and DW4 shortly after, which expanded and improved what the original had started. I did own and play the original Final Fantasy but it was the original Dragon Warrior that started it for me. What about you?
Gamer3X's forum posts
The beauty of this series is none of the games are direct sequels of one another and it's a new story in every game (except for 10-2 and 13-2, which I would avoid completely). It doesn't matter which game you start with as it won't have any impact on any of the other games. My personal opinion, FF6 would be a great one to start with and ignore FF13 all together. The best FF games in the series and a good list to reference to help decide which to play first: 1) FF6 2) FF7 3) FF9 4) FF12 and after you can go with any after for the sake of saying you played them all.
I own both and beaten both games. In my opinion, FF12 is better on a completely different level than LO will ever be. LO isn't terrible and is worth 1 playthrough. Play both but for the sake of getting spoiled, play LO first and save the better game in FF12 for after.
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