This has not been a good year for sony. they just can't seen to get anything right with the ps3. But it's not like we didnt see this coming, I mean come on, did you really think that sony was gooing to actually launch 2 million on day one? No way! and now it's going to be an all out war in the US and japan just so all the fanboy's can get one. Come on sony, why can't you look back to what made you popular in the first place, offering a fairly cheap system with kickass games. thats what gave you the insane fane base that you have, But i think that half the fanboys have just about given up on sony, and I cant really say that I blame them. Sony dug their own grave with this one, and now it's their choice if they're going to sleep in it.
It sucks to see E3 just end like that, it's really something we didn't see coming. I wish they would have just went with moving it to july, I turn 18 next july, if that happened i would give the ESA a truckload of cookies, but the ESA didn't want to end there. I can guess this was Sony and Microsoft crying because Nintendo Knocked everybody on their asses this year but I dont know the whole story, so i guess all we can do now is to hope and prey that the ESA will come to their senses and bring back E3 to the way it was.
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