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GamerDude02 Blog

See ya later

Well, i doubt anyone cares but it is time for me to pack my things and go. My time and life are consumed by to many things for me to be active in any way,shape or form on this site. I will still check reviews but I think thats about it. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful time here and I wish all of you the best of luck. Gaming is still something I love to do I just cant be involved in a blog anymore. So thanks to all and have a great life. Good bye everyone.

Time...haha what a novel concept

Well once again I return to the subject of no time. I question if anyone even reads this blog anymore because a new blog may come up once a month.You'll have to excuse my tone, ive just had no time for anything lately. When Im not in school I play sports, my current sport is basketball. When Im not doing either of those Im sleeping because Im so tired. I play my 360 for maybe 30 mins a day if that. Theres just so much to be done, its killer. The thing is it so hard to keep up with a blog, as well as the fact that my internet has been down the past few days. I would like to keep up with this blog but with the way things are I dont know how much longer I can continue to keep posting. Thanks to everyone thats stuck around, its really nice to see comments on this thing. Theres just no time to do anything anymore, or at least thats how it seems. I log on only every so often to take a quick look at reviews and then Im off. I just wanted to let you guys know so your not wondering why Im not posting.

In other, better news I bought 2 new 360 games. Lord of the Rings the Battle for Middle 2 and NBA 2K6. Gotta run,peace!

Going Next-Gen

Well my house has officially gone next-gen. I finally got my 360 with Ghost Recon and NCAA Football 07. My brother got a Wii! So I now have 2 next-gen systems to play. Happy Holidays everyone!! Sorry for the short update, I havent had time for the internet. I dont know how much I'll be one but I'll see what I can do. Thats all Happy New Year!

I am fufilled! (Also Halo fans- must read!)

So why am I fufilled you ask? Well I finally got to play the Wii and PS3! As you can tell Im very excited. I'll give a quick rundown of each of the demos I played -

NBA 07 (PS3) - Although GS gave this game an incredibly low score, I was pretty impresed, well at least graphically. The graphics this system delivers are truly amazing. Everything looks real, especially the crowd. The gameplay however isnt next-gen. Its just more of the same.

Motorstorm (PS3)- Amazing graphics. That baiscally what the game is. Everything about the game is real. The enviroments truly are amazing. The gameplay is actually fun and is a miz of realism and alot of arcade.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) - Inventive to the 10th power. I have to say that the Wii is truly uniques as is this Zelda game. The Wii definetly has a lot of potential if this game has anything to say about it. Its not amazing but its definetly sweet.

So yeah Im excited that I got to play them. In other news my brother and I bought 2 new Gamecube Games. 007: Everything or Nothing and NBA Live 2004.


In other news if your a Halo fan you absolutley must pick up Electronic Gaming Monthly - December 2006. It has a 17 page Halo 3 preview including new weapons, maps, vehicles, and features.

Thats all for now, later.

We didnt get a Wii

Well we didnt get one:(. I kinda figured we wouldnt get one but the dissapointing thing is that we were so close! My brother was so close to getting one, we were only 2 people away from scoring a Wii!!!! :x Just 2 people! We were close but no cigar. We went at 5 am and the people in line said that there werent enough. They said to go check K-mart. I learned one thing today-never trust random people. Kmart wasnt open and they didnt think they had any anyway. So we returned to Walmart and suprisingly noone new jumped in the line. But we were still just 2 positions behind. That sucks. Oh well I guess that my brother and I will just have to wait it out until we get one. Thanks yesterday for the good lucks you guys gave me. Oh well no use complaining. I have a PSP and my brother has a Gamecube. Im getting a 360 so I guess its ok for me. And my brother's friend has a Wii as it is so at least he can play it. I really want to play but all things come in time I suppose. Thats about all I have for now, See ya guys.

We are getting a Wii

Well although it isnt the most original title ever I suppose it works. But anywho as the title implies I will be trying to get a Wii tomorow. Its technically not for me, its for my brother. I just put "we" because I'll probably play it more than him. Now Im not even positive I'll get one, we're just hoping to. If we're lucky we'll score one. Lets just hope and pray. Christmas this year will be great considering the fact that Im getting a 360 and my brother will possibly get a Wii.

In other stuff, I dont know if its me but it seems that activity around is rather low. My guess is School and the holiday season. On a different note I would like to thank you all for being good friends here, especially Nickscho. Youve been a great friend to me and I want to say thanks. Thats all for now, Seasons Greetings!

Rescued from the Slime

Well its kind of a cheesy title but its true. Ive finally been freed from the clutches of Level 20 and am now Level 21 Rescue Ranger. Thank god! After being absent for so long over the summer its nice to finally be rid of that cursed level.

In some other news Id like to offer a small apology to those who are my friends here. School and sports has taken up so much time that I rarely have time to visit the site.

In more game related stuff I have finally made a real descion about the system Im purchasing. I will be getting a 360 this christmas. Im throwing in part of the money and my parents and grandparents will throw in the rest. Im not sure as to the game I'll be getting but Im thinking Call of Duty 3. There are others that I want to like Gears of War (obviously) and Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six. We shall see what I get thought. Thats all for now, peace.

Wow... what has happened to the forums

There pathetic.

I cannnot believe the immaturity that has been puring out of the forums lately. Now I obviously havent been on for a while, but still, when I left for the summer it wasnt this bad. There was some arguing and fighting but the mods kept it under control most of the time. Now I know they try their best but the forums are filled with what seems to be a bunch of 8 year old brats. I dont know it might just be me. What do you guys think?? In more game related news wait for it..... I think Im going to get a Wii. Now this isnt to offend anyone but the 360 just seems like an upgraded Xbox and the PS3 is just too far out of my price range. The Wii seems like it has the potential to be really great with the Wiimote and the price of $250 is also a nice touch. I think thats about all I have for now, talk to you all later.

Where is everybody?

Hmmm Im not sure why but everybody seems to have disappeared. I mean I see people's updates but it seems like no one is around. Curious. Maybe its just me, not to sure. But hey, has complaining got me anywhere before? No, no it really hasnt. In game related news my Xbox 360 fund is coming along slowly but I have to start somewhere. At the moment I only have $50 but I suppose you have to start somewhere. I was considering selling my PSP because 1. It isnt the greatest handheld and is honestly kinda boring. And 2. I could probably get an ok price to help with my money situation. Any advice? On another I would like to apoligize for complaining so much, you folks have to deal with it a lot from me and I honestly feel ashamed. Im sorry for doing it so often. Anyway, thats all for now, See ya later.

Dear Time, where do you go and why do you go so fast?

Well it case you hadnt noticed by the blog title, I havent had a whole lot of time. Mainly for anything, school keeps a person busy and when you play sports time is more or less irrelevant. Well i figured id try and slip some time in for Gamespot so hear I am. Ive finally chosen a path console wise. Although it is early Im pretty ceartian Im going with the 360. So now I'll just have to save my pennys to get  one. Anyway Id thought Id ask how all of you are, its been such a while since Ive talked to any of you I figured Id make a general question to everyone just to see how they are. Well thats all I have time for now, Im off.