Well its kind of a cheesy title but its true. Ive finally been freed from the clutches of Level 20 and am now Level 21 Rescue Ranger. Thank god! After being absent for so long over the summer its nice to finally be rid of that cursed level.
In some other news Id like to offer a small apology to those who are my friends here. School and sports has taken up so much time that I rarely have time to visit the site.
In more game related stuff I have finally made a real descion about the system Im purchasing. I will be getting a 360 this christmas. Im throwing in part of the money and my parents and grandparents will throw in the rest. Im not sure as to the game I'll be getting but Im thinking Call of Duty 3. There are others that I want to like Gears of War (obviously) and Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six. We shall see what I get thought. Thats all for now, peace.