GamerGoff / Member

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one boring day.

My day was boring from today. I was in the apartment, bored, and have nothing to do. My dad went to the safeway to get something for a snack for me while he's at work. In the morning, I was watching my dvds from Doom to Resident Evil. That made me a bit happy:). Later, someone overwrite my flie, so I had to do it all over. Afternoon, I was looking at video clips of Dead Rising, when my dad saw it. He said, man you always like violents, blood, and gore:question:.  Sometimes, my dad don't want me to palay games that are rated m for mature. At, they are having raffle ticket contest on airsoftguns, I wonder if I entered the contest. I entered the puzzle contest. When I mail it, it going to take a 10 week judging to see who's the winner. Well.... I entered all three computer, video game, and media rig contest. I'am going to do a speed run of Resident Evil 4 on the ps2. I have both gamecube and ps2 version of Resident Evil 4. But still gamespot users did'nt email me and talk to me in the yahoo instant messenger. They must have think I'am weird.