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Cursed Mountain: Mini Blog Review

Cursed Mountain

Wasn't much hype about this game, so I wasn't all that excited when I got it a couple days ago. My brother gave it to me for free so I figured that I should try it out.

I was a bit dissapointed in it--I'm a horror/thriller fan, and when I checked out this game I had hoped that it was all it would sound to be. Unfortunately, GameSpot was right in giving it a 7.0 score.

The graphics are pretty good. The illustrations and all were well done, and at some moments when random faces (like the one above) would pop out at you, it did give you the creeps. So, a thumb up for that.

I usually wouldn't comment on movement in the gameplay, but overall it was slow. I don't mean the plot or the storyline--the actual movement of the characters. For example:

In the very beginning of the game you're climbing a mountain. It's a very short distance, and even when running it takes you a long time to arrive. I was shocked at how slow the game was... It made it seem as if time wasn't going by fast enough.

Thankfully, the game picked up speed on the storyline and plot--the characters still remain slow :( It wasn't a half bad game. If you have some spare cash and want to buy something inbetween a Resident Evil 4 and... Resident Evil 0, go for it.

In conclusion, no excitement here. An alright game at most, nothing compared to Guitar hero 5 or Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles :P

Beatles Rock Band: Blog Review


Well... As much as I love the Beatles, I was a little disappointed in this game. Before you flame me, hear me out.

Their music is absolutely amazing. However, I find that I prefer Guitar Hero over any Rock Band. If I were to compare Guitar Hero 5 with The Beatles Rock Band, I would say Guitar Hero wins.

The Beatles Rock Band is just... The music is great, the graphics aren't that good, the screen while you play overall isn't as great and detailed as Guitar Hero, and the backgrounds aren't my favourite.

In more detail:

The Music: is great. Strong, clear, and awesome. It is The Beatles after all.

The Graphics: hmm... While you're playing, and the background shows the musicians and the audience, the graphics are pretty well done. However, the loading screens and the main menus aren't that great for me. The colours are just... Messed up for my taste.

Overall: I would give it an 8.5 out of 10. Itdoesn't give me the samevibe as Guitar Hero.I have to say though, the opening scene is just awesome.

If you're a die-hard Beatles fan,go for it. You'll fall in love with them all over again :)

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days


I am SO epicly psyched for this game.

Ever since Kindgom Hearts was released on the Playstation, I thought it was super awesome. I have to admit, I was a tad jealous of it being exclusive to almost everything but the Gamecube/Wii.

However, I never regret selling my soul to Nintendo, because this day would come :twisted:

I know there are lots of people thinking, "Oh, it's just Kindgom Hearts. No big deal". I think of it as a big deal, just because the game seems so different and interesting. When I first heard about it I thought it sounded like Final Fantasy though.

Anyways, just wanted to say that I can't wait for it to be released. Pretty cool that GameSpot has a launch center for it now. Anyone else excited? I haven't met anyone who was "upset" about it :lol:

Kanye West ...

I'm one of those people that believe, "Hey, if you don't bother me, I won't bother you", and such. I don't really care if there's a random person down the street arguing with a mob of people or something, because they aren't really affecting me in any way at that moment.

For example: Kanye West. I can't say I ever liked him, because I don't really like his music. His rapping is sort of fail too... And excerpt from his song "American Boy" with Estelle:

"Tell them put the money in my hand right now.
Tell the promoter we need more seats,
we just sold out all the floor seats"

Interesting rap there, Kanye :roll:

Anyways, back onto the main topic... A few nights ago, I was watching the VMA's and saw the scene with Kanye and Taylor Swift. I really, really don't like country music. But I like Taylor Swift. Of course, what he did was wrong. My favourite quote about the scene was from Pink, someone who I love:

"Kanye West is the biggest piece of sh*t on earth. Quote Me"

A bit harsh, but straightforward. I thought what Kanye did was pretty bad. Not only bad, but it was rude. But I dismissed it, and thought of it as another one of his jerk moves.

Soon after the incident, Kanye began apologizing, and I think crying at one point, about what he did. That sort of got me upset... If he figured he'd be really upset and sad and apologizing after the incident, then why did he do it? Oh yeah, because he doesn't think before he acts.

Anyways. That's just my opinion: he sucks, and he's rude.

Friday Night Live - Funny Times

What makes you laugh on a Friday? Something random for everyone...

Big Bird

Not Big Bird! :cry:


Teh devil skwerl?! :o


Awweehh :oops:


Rely on Catz for Lolz.


Self-Explanatory :P


It's the roadrunner! :lol:


And lastly, have a good weeked :)

Image Help I Guess

It's been a bit of a while since I made a blog, so this one is about something I need a tad bit of help with :lol:

So... I can't really say I do a lot of design/graphic work, since I only got into it when I took a high school course in it about two years ago. I really liked it, and since my brother already had Photoshop CS3, he just gave it to me.

It was really fun and cool since I was able to do anything with it at home. However, I kind of sort of have a bit of trouble with the image size.

Let's say... I'm making myself an image for something, like an avatar for GameSpot. Well in GS there's always a maximum size for images. I would create an image, make it so that it matches the dimensions of the avatar, but for some it exceeds image limitations when I try to upload it.

I flatten it and all, make it a JPEG, blah blah. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong/not doing at all... :lol: Most likely I'll get an anwser like, "Oh it's all common sense, you just gotta...".

Anyways, stupid question, but like all other questions in the world it still needs an anwser.

By the way, is it just me, or is anyone else stoked for the weekend? :twisted:

The Epic Rant Blog - Racism

Someone asked me this a while ago, and I might as well anwser it here: I am still in high school, but not for very long... :twisted:

So, today afterschool--probably an hour or so ago--I met up with a couple friends. One of my guy friends brought a random guy with him to hang out with us.A usual after school gathering at the mall with about three of my girl friends and four of my guy friends.

The random guy (his name is David) was invited by one of my close guy friends (Mark). I didn't really notice him though since I was very busy joking about a new supply teacher with another friend. Eventually we all started talking, and the topic of Women VS Men was brought up (don't ask how :lol: ).

While we were talking, David just goes on saying, "Women should totally bow down to men. We can do a lot more than them, we're stronger and better and they aren't good for anything other than 70 jobs... Cooking, and 69 (when he said this, no one was laughing... Really, before the fisrt sentence I figured he was a jerk)". So continues to talk about basically how life should return to how it was centuries ago when women didn't go to school, and when they basically stayed at home just cooking and cleaning. I'm not a feminist, but what he was staying completely ticked me off.

So, with his self-conversation finished, he tells me that I shouldn't bother going into the Faculty of Medicine when I graduate--which is basically my future career plan. Prepared to toss numerous sharp objects at him, he says: "You won't ever get anywhere. Only guys can be doctors, thats why girls never make it past a nurse. They're clearly too stupid to go anywhere".

I don't think I should explain what happened next, but I might as well. My best friend absolutely spazzed and just beat the crap out of him. I mean, all she did was slap him, but it was hard enough to knock him off his chair, into a baby stroller and into a fountain. Which was very hilarious. He was upset, but I could not care less as we all left him behind, drenched in water. Sweet revenge.

This little story leads to today's blog post: sexism (I know I wrote racism :oops: ). I thought that North America in specific have decreased the amount of sexism and racism being spread. Of course, there are the morons every now and then who go against the grain. This made me wonder, how can it ever be stopped? Or will it ever be stopped? Is it even possible?

A multitude of people in the world want it to end. However, there will always, without fail, be the few people who carry those beliefs. It's insulting to see this in North America, the Western, modernized part of the world. But in countries worldwide sexism is part of their culture. In some cultures, women are degraded in the family when their husband passes away. And in other cases, if a daughter is conceived, she is looked down on since she was not a male.

Well, anyways, that was my rant for today. Ironic how I had my World Religions course today as well :lol:

Picture Time !

I'm pretty bored, so I just thought I would post a little bit of my daily excitement...

So my older brother has been busy travelling around Europe for the past two months, and he arrived home today (about three hours ago). When he first travelled to Europe in June, I joined him for about a week or two in Paris and Rome and then went back to Canada.

Of course, there was a lot of family love going around and such, and he brought back some pictures with him.

GamerJess and Bro

Me and him somewhere... (I think he mixed up his SD Cards and ended up giving me a picture from Christmas of last year :lol: )

Anyways, it was really awesome to see him again and all. I look forward to going on my own trip sometime next summer and maybe going to Australia 8)

Well, I have to go. Some last minute studying to do :P





Versus Link....


I can only say that I would rather have Link evolving on Earth than...well... An ape. And no, Link did not evolve from a monkey because he was born from Nintendo. Which just keeps getting better :twisted:


...if you can call it that :lol: When I get bored, and too tired to play video games I just play around with Photoshop. This was the result:


Hm... Originally it was 2K x 2K pixels. I had to resize it a lot :lol: Meh. In my opinion I don't really like it. All it was was random brushes and such used to create it soo... But anyways, it's random, thought I'd share it. At first I wanted to draw up Waldo, and then realized it would take too much work, and then I thought of doing something involving Mario (for some reason I have him as a brush preset) and then got tired of that. And the randomness continues to flow...

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