GamerJunkyKidO's forum posts
you have to understand, at the end of the day, all the review scores are really a person's opinion on the game. Them giving a game a 10 doesn't mean God came down and said its outstanding. That paticular person said its outstanding. And many many people probably consider those games great. But I don't think the Wii needs a paticular game to get a 10. Because it'll just be that persons opinion on the game. For me Brawl is a 10, Resident Evil 4 is a 10, but thats me. Do I think the Wii needs more good games? Absolutely, even if it had a library of 500 game titles scoring over 9 a piece id still want more. I think more great games will come out though, some people might flame me for this statement but its the way I view it, Nintendo isn't very consistent on Legendary Great games, since NES to Wii the ratio of horrible games to good games has been dramatically higher, but the good games that have come out were completely awsome. I have noticed that the Wii is getting a ridiculous amount though, I think its because of the control scheme wii has to offer, too many developers are going the easy route, making a quick cheesy game, having it advertise NEW WII CONTROLS on the box. But I have faith that there will be some developers that'll use the control scheme for the better and come out with some wicked cool stuff. Most (not all but most...) of the great games now are First Party Nintendo (which its been that way for every nintendo system as well), it would be nice if the Wii gets a better 3rd Party Support, First Person Shooters are really fun with the WiiMote and Nunchuck, I know this because I have Medal of Honor Heroes 2 which in my opinion should be considered the Example of how FPS games should play on the Wii, but so far thats the only one that was good, if you count Metroid Prime (which a lot of people don't like calling it a FPS) then that would make 2 good FPS games. So only time will tell but my vote is Yes we will see better games, but probably not in a gross amount. My prediction by the time this console generation is up, the wii will have 30-50 really really awsome games, about 100+ Okay Games, and 300+ Poop on a Stick.
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