I hope everyone is enjoying their games out there!
I'm happy to say that I finished three games and am closing in on a few more.... Finally finshed off King Kong, got the last achievement after two years of it laying around, same deal with Condemned... that game needed about 30 achievements. My favorite finish though is Lego Batman because it had so many little things to do and get, I am very proud of that one and I never want to play that again.
I'm looking to finish off Lego Indiana Jones, I only have two more achievements on that one. WSOP:TOC there are two more there as well. I have one on Dead Space... stupid me, I deleted my game save and I needed it to get the insane difficulty achievement.
I have alot to go on Fallout 3 and Oblivion but I'd like to make a dent in them. Same goes for GTA4. I know the reason I have such a problem finishing that one, I live in NYC and the game reminds me way too much of where I live and it really bothers me... I'm on vacation for the next month and where I am is a whole different world away from "Liberty"/NY city so, maybe I can do that. Hahaha, it's funny though... I get away and I may play something that reminds me of where I'm trying to get away from.
Game on!!!