I have been playing more andmore games lately, also been having more depression and grudges against my family... It's so weird how when it comes holiday time I just want to disapear into a cocoon of gaming goodness and not be seen till after the holidays have gone and the new year is already in swing.
Now, I scraped the bottom of the barrel in my collection and played a game just so I could be away from everyone and realized, I need to break this. I mean I have some pretty awesome games but I was playing Spongebob Nopants on Live Arcade! WTF?!?!? Then again it was mindless and I did get 70 achievement points for it.
Yeah, I could be going out with my friends and going to a bar, out to dinner or something along those lines but, it's cold out, going out is expensive, over here going to the city takes an hour on the train on a good day and well... I just told one of my friends she's a really bad friend and don't ever contact me again... I won't have drama filled insensitive jerks in my life.
I am going to enter the wastelands of Fallout 3 and stay there for a bit, I already beat the locust horde on medium difficulty, finished Dead Space twice and have to pop in Burnout Paradise for a spin. See you all in Spring!
I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday, wherever you spend it and whoever you spend it as.