So as we probably know, Bioshock Infinite is out for the PS3 X-box 360 and the PC. And might I had I picked up my copy on launch day. I never had money for it unfortunately so I ended up trading in a bunch of my games including Metal Gear Rising, which I will have to rebuy eventully because it was a very good game. But Bioshock Infinite is a different game, and a very special game. As good as games I traded in to get Bioshock Infinite, nothing really compares to the experience I have had with the game.
First off, why Bioshock is so weird for me is because I don't like shooting games, expessally First person Shooters at that. With the exception to the Original Bioshock, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and the Half Life series, I cant say I have ever can say I loved a First Person shooter. But Bioshock Infinite was beyound these games in what it offered. I guess because I really liked Booker Dewitt and I liked Elizabeth. I like the colour pallet, the aesthetics of the game, I loved how the story was told (narrative), and the story itself. But many games have great story tell. Deus Ex: Human Revolution, one of the games I listed has an incredible story, and some of the greatest dialogue in gaming history. I reviewed the game when it was realised giving it a 10, because it is everything I would want in a Rpgfps. Plus the game itself I would not consider an fps but an rpg played in first person.
Bioshock Infinite is in whole, a First Person Shooter. And expessally shooting that have been realised the past while, I have really grown to detest them. Because they all have the samey generic feel. Plus worse, is the industry keeps pumping them out. Two years ago we had a Battlefield 3 and now just announced is a Battlefield 4, and chances are, there will be a new Call of Duty gameThan just like in 2011 we will have the war of modern military shooters.
But Bioshock Infinite, like i said before is very much so different which hopefully starts a new trend for First Person Shooters like the original Bioshock before, it, but I dont see that being very likely. But for me, Bioshock Infinite showed me that an fps released with decade can be good, and doesnt have to play like a standard shooter. As much as my least favorite aspect of Bioshock Infinite was the shooting, I would stll say without a doubt this game is the best game I have played thus far in 2013 and probably in the past couple of years.
And how Bioshock Infinite does this is through everything else it offers besides the shooting. It captures you in the world, the characters, and even the lore that is found throughout the world of Columbia. To be honest, it was the same feeling I had when I played Portal 2, but Infinite yet, blows Valv's beloved classic puzzle game out of the park. Why, because depth was put into areas that mattered. Everything that was in the game was ment to be in the game. From people in the world dancing, to the individual blades of grass in the gardens, to music which beautifully reinforced the story. What Bioshock Infinite feels like is a very discriptive and poetic novel, much like the old classic by C.S. Lewis The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Bioshock Infinite feels like the beautiful film Dark Knight. What these three works have in common, is the level of depth given to something so simple. And that is the beautiful thing about BioShock Infinite.
I could go on forever about this game, which I plan to do, however, I want to play more Bioshock Infinite. Peace