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Suprised at how many games slip under the radar

So either I am born under a rock, in terms of games that have came out the past 2 years, or I have been looking at the wrong games in general. Before the release of Bioshock Infinite, I found myself digging in the cheap bin at wal-mart and also looking at older releases at EB games (basically Canadian Gamestop). I ended up purchasing two games. Spec Ops: The Line and Lolipop Chainsaw. And I have something special in referance to both of those games.

First off, with Spec Ops: The Line, it is the most suprising game I have ever played in my life. I was expecting just a modern military shooter, but my guess could not have been farther off from the game. The game is hard to play, and it is not because of the gameplay, but because of the narrative of the game itself. You see I found myself in a rather interesting place playing the game. I felt bad for buying a game to blow people's heads off.... essantailly that is why I play most shooting games, hence why I actually don't play too many of them. But with that being said. Spec Ops: The Line is the kind of MMS i have been waiting for in such a long time. An experience that goes out of its way and slaps the players and the game industry in the face. And asks some of the most profound questions that I haven't really experienced in too many games. Those questions come differently from you.... the player.


And the next game I did want to touch on is Lolipop Chainsaw, mainly because the game is as addictive as hell on wheels going straigh down Mount Everest. I mean, this games art style, combat system and boss battles are over the top actions. In a review earlier, I praised Metal Gear Rising: Revengance for being addictive as well, however; Lolipop Chainsaw took addictive to a new extreme. With MGR, I expected to play a solid hack n slash, over the top action game. Don't get me wrong Metal Gear Rising is a much much better game, due to the bugdet and vision of both games. I preferred Metal Gear Rising. But Lolipop Chainsaw was much more addictive than MGR, and that is saying a lot, Plus I do feel, Lolipop Chainsaw art direction, and chorky story and narrative will keep it a rather classic game, where as I feel maybe MGR may be forgetten once the two new Metal Gear games get released. Which isn't bad, but I don't own MGR anymore, I traded it off, where as I never plan on getting ride of Lolipop Chainsaw because I may never find it again new. 

Just something to think about anyway. Like I said in the previous blog post, I do want to talk about Destiny, because I am super excited for that game!