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what is wrong with linear?

Call me a late to the party, but I am currently working through the game Remember Me, and I must say, it is a brillant well crafted game. If by a weird chance a developer from Dontnod is reading this, hats off to you and I hope you keep making amazing games like Remember Me.

But ofcourse with my new found love for Remember Me I wanted to see what the internet thought of it. And I was shocked to see the mixed reviews. The game mainly being criticized for its linearity. And frankly I just dont get why that is so bad.

As some my know, I personally mark Bioshock Infinite as the hallmark of gaming completely creating a work of art while also being enjoyable and engaging, but looking back, it was an other game criticized for being linear. And I dont understand why a games a beaten and bashes for being linear.

Maybe it is my own opinion but I love games that are more linear in nature and hope the constant critical nature of linear games stops