Read Dead Redemption on PC - Now that is something I would like to see. I actually missed out that title for some dumb reason, although I've played it a bunch of times at my friends place. A PC port running on GTA V's version of the engine would be freaking sweet.
@BabeNewelll: Same. I'll stick with my OC:ed 970 until GTX 1080 Ti arrives and I'll see how it performs. If it follows the trend like these new cards I'll probably go with one and replace my 1080p monitor with that as well.
@Utnayan: Don't even bother with LTJohnnyRico, lol. He's always trying to defend his purchases and disagree with mostly everything and everyone on most topics here on GS 'just because'.
@Xevac: Agreed. This was actually one of the few games I've gotten hyped for in recent years and having been a fan since way back in the days it was really hard to just ignore it now at launch. I will as many others, pick this up when the product is complete since I can't stand this kind of business model.
Back in 2014-something when I heard Facebook bought Oculus Rift was the moment I decided to not buy an OR headset. I was genuinely interested but a company being owned by Facebook is just scary.
Imagine the potential if it would come out on PC then, would be really sweet. (Calm yer titties console warriors, I'm still getting this for my PS4). One of the few games if not the only console game this gen I've felt hyped for. Looking forward to it.
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