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Action, Adventure and an Empty Wallet

It seems so much longer than a week since I last blogged but through some strange trick of time it appears it is. A fair amount of my time this week has been taken up by one of my assignments in my computer games programming course which involves programming a pool video game from scratch in a week. I must admit it's not been an easy task and pretty much teaching myself to program Windows and Xbox 360 games over the past few weeks hasn't been overly simple either, however it's been both an interesting and enjoyable venture.

The one thing I think I've discovered about myself this week is I like Bayonetta way more than I thought I did. After going through on easy and normal I played through again on hard, collected most of the LPs, picked up all the couture bullets, unlocked 43 of the 50 achievements and I'm still not satisfied. Something about the combination of the intense hack-and-slash combat, combined with the insane and spectacular way the whole game is presented has drawn me in, in a way I really didn't expect.

I've also spent a little more time with Dragon Age: Origins this week and having had a good taste by now of what the game has to offer I have to say it's better than first impressions would have had me believe. I'm still struggling a little to see past the graphical issues I've been experiencing with the 360 version and I'm not really up for doing a whole lot of inventory juggling, stat management etc. but the combat is good and so far I've found the game has played host to a number of genuinely interesting characters. I've particularly enjoyed the banter between Morrigan and Alistair and the moment that has struck me most so far in the game was making the choices over the child possessed by a demon. It pulls of its story side well and that's something you really want from an RPG.

Speaking of Bioware RPGs, I've been driven half-insane over the past few days by the fact that unlike a good portion of the rest of the "core" gaming community I don't own a copy of Mass Effect 2. I loved Mass Effect 1 and I have been really hyped for this game, but as a student I just don't have the cash for it. Every day I see more threads popping up on the Giant Bomb boards about this game and I rarely view them for fear of spoilers but judging from everything I have dared to sneak a look at this game is amazing. My Dad still owes me an extra game as part of my late 18th birthday present and it's so tempting to call it in for this one but I'm a massive Halo fan and I know when Halo: Reach comes out I'll be regretting it if I've given up my only sure means of acquiring it. The rather generous helpings of info and screenshots Bungie have been providing over Reach lately have left me even more eager to "get my Halo on", leaving me feeling somewhat torn.

I probably would have also played some more Team Fortress 2 this week but sadly my mouse broke and I haven't got around to buying a replacement yet. I've also played one session of Batman: Arkham Asylum this week and a single session of 1 vs. 100 which are still both great games (although even if it is free, 1 vs. 100s endless Bing adverts do have a tendency to drive you to the point of madness). After watching Giant Bomb's recent series of videos 'Set Phasers to Fun' I'm also pretty interested in Star Trek Online but when I can't but regular games I think any kind of subscription-based MMO is out of the question.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and this week I'll leave you with this artistic stop-motion recreation of Super Mario Bros. 3.
