Hi all and happy holidays to everyone. I'm aware of my lack of blogging in the previous two months (as in there was none) but I'm sure I'll be back and blogging sooner or later. In the last two months I've only purchased two games but I've had a great time with them both. Firstly Mirror's Edge which I am currently on the 6th chapter and I've found it a really immersive and enjoyable game, I wish the combat didn't seem to be entirely tackle-able by pressing X and Y and then using the enemies gun to take down any other opponents but this is my only main gripe with the game, the freerunning feels great and the environments are beautiful to look at. I also purchased Portal: Still Alive and it's great to have more Portal, all the maps are genius and even the main game was superb to play through again but playing through the Still Alive maps wasn't the same without the familiar, amusing and slightly creepy voice of GLaDOS guiding me. I also borrowed Dead Space from a friend and I must admit I only go so far before my attention was drawn away by other distractions but it was none the less a good horror game with well-made environments and audio.
But for Christmas today I've got 5 brand new games which should keep me occupied well through the new year. For my 360 I've got Fable 2, Rock Band 2 and Soul Calibur IV and for my Wii I've received Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I'm over the moon with all my presents.
As is my tradition I'll leave you with my favourite video-game related video I've seen recently, this short Halo 3 Christmas machinima from Helveck. I hope you've all got what you wanted this year and have managed to spend your Christmas with the ones you love.
-Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah from Gamer_152