Well another awesome week of Brawl, that game completely rocks. And I've also strangely enough found myself replaying Ocarina of Time and watching a lot of Halo machinima. On which note I'm pretty hyped for the Halo 3 legendary map pack, but I really dunno when I'm gonna get my 360 fixed, that memory card my bro was supposed to be borrowing from his mate so I can download my gamertag and trade in my old 360? Well my bro can't be bothered to get off his backside, he's just been playing an MMO for hours on end for the past week. Gaming is still great without the 360 but now and then I'll get these little twinges to play Halo or Guitar Hero.
But now onto the rant that no blog can do without: The European release of Rock Band. I was infuriated as month after month passed and we still received no release date but as soon as I saw that £180 price tag I lost all interest in purchasing it. I mean I thought the price of GH3 was a little steep but this is ridiculous. Even if you try to justify the £130 instrument bundle the game itself is still £50, a price that I've only ever seen at my local GAME on PS3 titles and why they chose to ship the game separately from the instrument bundle is beyond me. I'm considering it a serious possibility that EA and Harmonix already have a price drop planned. I'm also a little annoyed with GameFAQs who (although I don't remember receiving any notification) seem to have moderated me for using the words 'stupid' and 'idiot' on a Gamespot board although as I only opened my GameFAQs forum account a few days ago there's no real way to tell precisely what happened.
I might get Mario Kart Wii soon as well but there's so many pretty, shiny things to buy and since I'm returning to college soon I won't have as much free time anyway. I'd just like to also take this opportunity to say that I hope I don't come over as too pessimistic in my blogs, I'm a happy fella really :) . Anyway shoutout to PJ24, KingRich06 (only just noticed his name rhymes), Fishdalf and Yo-gan. This week I'll leave you with the satirically outstanding It's a Wonderful LIVE (WARNING: Contains some explicit language). Peace out.
-One happy Gamer_152