WARNING: Very long blog, for shorter read skip paragraph 3.
Okay, unlike last week this week hasn't been as superb but it's still been alright I guess. I'm having to be very careful with my money what with my Xbox Live and World of Warcraft subscriptions to pay but I have bought Boom Boom Rocket to keep me occupied and I know it's a bit of a shallow game but I'm finding it quite addictive. The next game I really want though is Super Mario Galaxy which looks even better than I expected (and I had very high hopes), it was called 'The best Mario adventure since Mario 64' and that makes it a game I MUST have. Of course enthralment with games can go a little too far, I had an old friend whos life was literaly consumed by MMOs and all he did all day was sit at home playing while me and my friends were all at school but the really disturbing thing is now it's happening to my little brother. He's spent nearly every last hour of his free time for the past few weeks either playing World of Warcraft, talking about World of Warcraft or reading about World of Warcraft. He's had addictions before but this is definately the worst and it seems to stem from him becoming involved with a creepy group of delinquents and Warcraft addicts, I mean they seem to be nice people but they live in a very alienating, strange world of their own. I'd try to help but he never listens to me and one of my parents is always too busy while the other is just a little too kind to him.
I also want to tell you a story that I forgot to tell you last week, it happened when I was going into GAME, the day I bought my wireless adaptor. Now there are two GAMEs in my my local shopping centre (Lakeside) so I decided to walk into the upstairs store and browse some of the 360 games when I seea man, what wasmost likelyhis wife and his son. So theybowl their wayup to the shelves next to me, tracksuits, buzzcuts and all but I think 'No Phil, though shalt not judge on appearances'. So they start chatting away excitedly and I happen to overhear them, well heck, the entire store probably overheard them. Now ignorance about ratings is one thing but all this guy was doing was picking the games with the most violent looking covers off the shelves and showing them to his son, 'na I already 'ave Bioshock', 'Ah no, that looks like a ***** game' and so on the conversation goes until his Dad picks up Dead Rising and another game (I think it was Forza 2) and they eventually decide 'Yeah, let's get the zombie game'. As if this wasn't annoying enough the guy then continued to loudly voice his opinions about every game he went past on his way to the check out, I got so annoyed I had to walk out and go to the downstairs game as the guy strode past a shelf of Nintendo games shouting 'waste o' money!'. I was angrier than I'd been in a very long time, the guy was unbelivable, if I was talking about anybody else it might seem arrogant but I am so glad I am not that guy!
Anyway the whole thing with the editorials has got a bit mad and it all depends of how much homework I get and how long I can keep my brother off the PC. But just so I don't end on a low note let me leave you with this little gem I found hidden on the World of Warcraft European site: 'The Aperture guild are organising a series of points based, outdoor PvP events. Each rounds last one month and you and your faction will earn points by completing various tasks and battles that come along under the month. Each week there will be one major battle arranged by me and my guild and hopefully other battles aswell around outlands and Azeroth. The winning faction is the one that gets the most points at the end of the round. We of course assure you that there will be cake at the end! '
-One Angry 152