Only 10 days 'til Christmas (another week of college and thenit's the holidays)and I've got some killer presents lined up this year but I hope there isn't too much domestic trouble, last year my Mum stormed out of the housebecause my ungreatful b*****d of a brother kept moaning that I got everything he wanted. Oh and after one week of deprevation (subscription ran out) he's gone back to playing more World of Warcraft so once again if I don't read your blogs y'know why. The good news is that he will be getting Guitar Hero 3 for the Xbox 360 soon (I'll have to chip in a little as well) and I'm really psyched about that, I even had a dream where I was playing Guitar Hero ('cause I'm sad like that).
My wireless internet is also back and with all the excitement I finally caved and bought a year of Xbox Live gold and I don't regret it. I'd also advise anyone who has Xbox Live gold to download the Halo: Combat Evolved themes and gamer pictures, it's free and they look pretty good. For anyone who has Boom Boom Rocket you can get the new rock pack for free, it adds 5 songs to the game and they're great fun to play. Also it's a 800MB+ download but the demo of Burnout Paradise is now avaliable and it's pure fun, you can even do online multiplayer in the demo and I spent all of last night playing it with my mate, really worth a look.. Did I mention it's free? Anywho I've also played a little World of Warcraft and strangely enough Animal Crossing: Wild World. Also I'm thinking of getting Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command for the DS, the reception wasn't too great on the PSP version but this seems to be mainly because they were trying to make a turn-based strategy game with only basic controls, not a problem that should come out on the DS.
Oh and in case it passed you by I'm pleased to say the full version of Manhunt 2 has been passed by the courts and will be hitting the shelves in the U.S. Reggie Fils-Aime (current president of Nintendo)also make a speech recently and says that he is not withholding Wiis for the companies benefit and that he actually wants more Wiis on the shelves (damn rumours) and even hinted there may be some kind of voice chat features on the Wii and that it's just the matter of getting the right peripheral (no problem for a company like Nintendo, right?). Anyway thanks once again for reading, I've just gotta say that before you leave Jeff as a matter of the past you must see this compilation of old-school moments by Vikingwwu. Anyway farewell for another week...