It's 2008 and what a happy new year it is. What kind of '08 are we going to see? Well if 2007 as simply a coincidental culmination of a lot of development then 2008 could be just another normal year in video games (which let's face it is still pretty good), but if the bar really has been raised by games in recent years and lots of developers are understanding how to make brilliant titles then we could be in for a thrilling 2008. As for me I've played through the first two or three chapters of Half-Life 2: Episode One and I'm quite impressed, I've also played a little Guitar Hero 3 and a little Animal Crossing: Wild World. The crowning glory of my week though has got to be Halo 3, I finished the campaign and it seemed like the further towards the end I got the better it got, at this pointa lot ofpeople were raving for a Halo 4 or even trying to use obscure and loose pieces of "evidence" to delusion themselves with the idea of a Halo 4. I'm afraid at this point Halo 4 is just not what I want, it would continue the plot from an otherwise somewhat open-ended finish but even restarting some kind of conflict would be tricky without it seeming a cheap tacked-on bit of writing, I'm more than content with all that Halo 1-3 has to offer.
Anyway it was my brothers birthday on the 31st and boy did he get lucky, Assassin's Creed, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (although that'll really only expand the game I already own) and The Simpsons Game. Little of this has been played but I think I might have lured him away with Halo 3 (either that or he's jelous that I beat the game and he hasn't or something like that) but this'll probably only be a temporary fixation before he jumps back on World of Warcraft, still at least he's made some kinda progress. I myself have this wek bought 2 singles and the Foo Fighters Pack for Guitar Hero 3, as well as the Halo 3 heroic map pack, all good stuff and I'm very pleased about Microsoft's offer to give everyone worldwidde a free XBLA game after the spotty holiday service, it's not the sort of move I'd expect from them but I think they know if record numbers of people are signing up then they need to keep them. I'll also be picking up a controller, headset and possibly a memory card. I just hope I can enjoy it all because I'm going back into college on Monday and exams start first week back.
Anyway thanks once again for reading and I'll leave you with thisscreenshot of me from Halo 3. -Gamer_152