Well it is all Hallows eve and it seems people are really embracing what Haloween is all about and if you live where I do haloween means terrorising old people and vandalism. But enough of my whining for now as I have stuff to blog about.
I think i'll go look for The Dark Crusade in Game again on Thursday but until then I have been enjoying the delights of Guild Wars which I have found an immensely enjoyable MMORPG although I have hit a bit of a brick wall as far as leveling goes. I have also listened to an episode of the Gamespot UK Podcast and although I don't think it is as good as Gamer's United it is quite good and if you haven't been keeping up with the altest in gaming listening is definately a great way to catch up. As you can see from my badge I tuned into the WoW Burning Crusade marathon on Gamespot and it does look quite good although I still don't wanna get into another MMO right now, I don't wanna pay the fees (i'm a bit of a cheapskate) but if anybody loves WoW i'd say The Burning Crusade is worth all the waiting around for.
Well enjoy halloween in all it's cheap plastic glory, peace out.