Hey y'all, decided to drop a quick blog into your midst as I didn't get this done over the weekend and I decided I gotta do something between now and the E3 Microsoft press conference (at the time I'm writing this there is less than 90 minutes to go).
So I am stoked about E3 2009. I'm looking forward to seeing the Wii motion plus and any other intriguing peripherals Nintendo might have lined up, I'm not a big fan of the wholedownloadable/streamable movies thingbut I'm interested to see what Microsoft will be doing with the 360 next and I'm interested in a whole bunch of games there: particularly Mass Effect 2 and of course Halo 3: ODST which is just one of the many thingscontinuing to fuel my insane obsession with the Halo franchise. With my exams and E3 falling on the same week things are getting a little hectic, tonight there are3 press conferences on but if I wanna see them all I have to fit it around revision for my computing examand writing a whole essay for my psychology class. The life of a nerd is not an easy one.
Back to mycrazy love of Halo and I'm still on my quest to replace the Halo 3 that my Xbox 360 broke with a collectors edition copy of Halo 3. Last Thursday I tried 3 separate stores and while 2 simply didn't have it, 1 of them had literally just sold their last copy after I got there. A quick check by my brother on Saturday also sadly yielded no results. I have picked up Elite Beat Agents for £20 though which I thought wasn't bad considering the usual price for DS games in the UK is at least £30. This was actually a game I meant to pick up ages ago but didn't get around to it but I have it now and I like it even more than I thought I would. The mix of simple yet very satisfying and unique rhythm gameplay, combined with random and ridiculous comic-strip style stories about the team of agents helping people in their everyday lives through using music fits together surprisingly well. The first couple of missions I played on that game were amazing and even with a limited soundtrack by the standards of todays modern rhythm game it's still very addictive. It is as hard as I had been told it would be though; I am currently stuck on the final mission of cruisin' difficulty.
My bro also went out and bought a couple of games this week which I'll no doubt get to play at some point, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise and Saints Row. I'm not overly looking forward to playing Saints Row but I think it might be worth a few sessions, however this is a bit of a problem at the moment as it seemsmy bro picked up a preowned discwith a few grooves worked into it and the ancient disc drive of my poor worn-down 360 just can't quite work up the momentum to read the disc. However Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise looks very good and when I'm done with my current games I'll be very eager to play it.
So apart from Elite Beat Agents I am still playing Fable 2 at the moment. It's hard to believe it was only a little beforelast week that I completed the See the Future DLC. Since then I've just been picking up odd achievements on my main character and I've started a new character to run through the game again with. The achievements are fun but starting the game over from scratch has been a great experience, like visiting a place where you hung around as a kid again. In fact there are large parts of the plot of this game that I had completely forgotten and it's like experiencing them all over again but the parts I do remember are great to revisit. I've actually been a little surprised by my progress in that game because I'm making my way to the end of the story mode much faster than I thought I would with my secondary character and my main character has helped me gain an amount of achievements the likes of which I haven't seen since I last played Halo 3 and Rock Band.
Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you all enjoy E3. A special thanks to PJ24 who has offered to trade mesome Pokemon to helpme fill out my pokedex on Pokemon Diamond Version. This week I'm going to leave you with this video game-related piece of image manipulation from Swedish artist Erik Johansson.