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The Long Road to (Days of) Ruin

In honour of Alex Navarro

Alex Navarro, Former Associate Editor

Hi and welcome to another blog. Firstly I'd like to apologise for the length of my last two blogs, I know I went a little overboard but I'll cut this one down a little. It does help that we didn't have an editor leave this week so that should save a paragraph or two. However I'm sure many of you have noticed the uproar over Navarro has been much weaker than what we had when Gerstmann left, I think this is because Navarro left by choice and he wasn't quite as popular as Jeff but mainly that it's been a relatively short amount of time after Gerstmann-gate everybody kinda still has their defence up.

So I've been playing a little Halo 3, some Guitar Hero, some Advance Wars: Dual Strike and some Animal Crossing: Wild World and they're all good. However I went through another level and a half of The Simpsons Game and every bit of that game I play makes everything in the pile of unfinished games on my desk seem more and more enticing. I've even got into Bioshock a little and that's a great experience, I don't think I've ever played a shooter that feels quite like Bioshock. I've eased up a little on Assassin's Creed though, the whole experience has gotten a little repetetive as I was warned of.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is still looking positively awesome and Burnout Paradise looks excellent too, I mean I enjoyed the demo and in reality that wasn't even that good but for some reason I'm still putting off my purchase of that game for Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (I know, I can't quite bring myself to call it Dark Conflict) which I'm gonna get today. The things is I have no clue why I'm buying Days of Ruin instead of Paradise, it's weird. Oh and I'm aware it's perhaps a little late but my review of Viva Pinata is finally up on the site (WARNING: Over 1000 words long).

The figures keep rolling in for the profits of the gaming industry and Nintendo once again amaze as they've managed to hit a global sale count of 20,000,000 Wiis, while Microsoft also have some very strong sales, boasting a $357,000,000 profit on video games. My favourite piece of news this week though comes from columnist for The Times (yeah, this woman actually works for a newspaper), Janice Turner who has written a lovely article called "Xbox is Crack for Kids", the weird thing is she manges to put together a half decent argument until the last couple of paragraphs where she just starts rambling on idiotically. Luckily this has been met with plenty of constructive criticism... Oh and if you haven't heard, Rockstar are having trouble getting Manhunt 2 to UK shelves again, but that's just the kind of news you don't need to be told about to know that it's happening.

Anyway thanks for reading one again and I'll leave you with this quote from Pure Pwnage, "Like most noobs are like, are like, like total noobs. Like you can train, like, a noob, but he'll just be like a trained noob". And just to finish, shoutout to Mars188, PJ24, Fishdalf, CmdrMcNeil and Zxv33... I made it too long again didn't I?

-Gamer_152 (A man who finally has the Axe Grinder Achievement)