Hi everyone, ready for your weekly wall of text? Ok, let's get to it! This week I'vebeen playing Halo Wars, Halo 3 and a little of Half-Life 2,Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2. I was also happy to find last week that upon posting my blog on Giant Bomb, the website didn't just generate a rather embarrassing blank blog post but instead posted the blog exactly as I wanted it, so it's all good. I've also been watching Giant Bomb's endurance run of Persona 4 on the PSP and you may think that watching all those hours of somebody hitting the A button over and over would be boring but they actually manage to make it a very entertaining experience.
Halo Wars is still providing me with a fair bit of enjoyment, I must say there are some really nicely designed multiplayer maps, as well as campaign ones. I was quite impressed when my troops had pushed their way through the Covenant defences to the middle of the map to find a factory from which I could build Sentinels to attack my enemies. All in all it's been a pretty good time with that, even if the ranking system isn't completely tailored to my liking and I do have a tendency to get owned online. On Halo 3 this week I've been focusing my attention once again almost exclusively on the Mythic maps and it's surprising the difference 3 new maps makes, even though I'm playing the samemaps over and over it's not been boring. I've also seen a few people on the internet with some awesome Sandbox maps, I knew there were people out there that would make something good but one interesting thing I've seen lately is people making Rube Goldberg machines on the map. I'd love to make something as good as that but I've never been much of a forger, I remember first finding myself in Sandbox's skybox, staring out at the huge, objectless sky and just having no idea what to do with all that empty space.
I've also been keeping an eye on Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams recently. Like most I thought that a prequel would have been a great idea and like most I've become a little sceptical of the quality of the storyline now that they've announced a sequel set 7 years after the original. Of course this doesn't immediately mean that it'll be a bad game, the plot could turn out okay and the gameplay, graphics and sound of Bioshock are all great too. However, the events of the last game seriously closed up a lot of possible plotlines and I can't really see where they can take things now apart from people discover monsters from Rapture, people go to investigate, people work their way through the same kind of setting from the first game but with less characters from Rapture. For those curious about the game there is a teaser site that was put up a bit over a week ago at somethinginthesea.com.
The wraps up things for my mid-March blog. I'll leave you this week with these photoshopped pictures of a Team Fortress 2 RPG (sorry I had to go via the Giant Bomb forums, it's the old s*yle problem). Thanks for reading.