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This Month is Octover!

It is currently Saturday October 31st, All Hallow's Eve and I'm in pretty high spirits on this cool autumn evening. Unfortunately I have been suffering a little from the flu this week and while it's not been as bad as it could have been it has cut down my gaming time. I've been playing more of Brutal Legend this week though and have found all the motor forges, collected all the solos and unlocked a bunch more achievements. I have a bit of a dream of going after 100% completion on that game but I'm not sure I'll ever reach that. It doesn't matter though, I still stand by what I said last week; I think it's a great game. It's only two months now though until Assassin's Creed 2 hits which looks like another very well-made action-adventure game but I guess I'll have to add that to the pile of things I wish I could buy next to Borderlands, Arkham Asylum and The Ballad of Gay Tony.

This week one of my university assignments did require me to download a game off the internet which my parents courteously paid for. Our task was to play and review an indie game we'd never played before and I was excited about my assignment and don't think I did a bad job. My review for indie title Osmos is already written but I'm not uploading it until Tuesday, sometime after midday, for fear that otherwise my lecturer will believe I have simply ripped it from the internet. I also downloaded League of Legends this week as the open beta went live on Monday, but whadda ya know? Another game my university internet connection is blocking the ports for. At this point I'm a little bummed out with this whole port blocking thing because even after I've registered my Xbox 360 with them they're still restricting my connection with that too.

But this is the week of Halloween and what does that mean? That's right, in-game events! Valve pulled off a great and unexpected Halloween event by putting out a new map, two new hats and five new achievements. The new map was actually a modification of a community map by the name of Harvest. Valve took it and added a more halloweeny environment, a ghost which randomly appears and scares characters into not being able to use their weapons, changed the health packs into sweets, added special pumpkin powerups that give you a crit on your next shot and generally made the map great fun to play on. I've also had a bit of an excuse to play World of Warcraft again, given that it's All Hallow's End in the world of Azeroth. I've got up to level 46, spent some time in Warsong Gulch and run back and forth across the world collecting Halloween treats. I even now have my Steam and WoW accounts synched with Giant Bomb so everybody can see how badly I'm doing with my achievements as well.

But, I think that's enough of a catch up for this week. I hope you're all having an awesome time and I'll leave you with what Giant Bomb aptly called the craziest GTA trailer ever (viewer discretion is advised).
