No More Heroes is out! Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Soulstorm is out! Army of Two is out! And Super Smash Bros. Brawl is out... in 3 freakin' months! With the reviews that game has been getting it sounds like it lived up to even my monumental expectations and it's making getting the freeloader tool even more enticing but I'm gonna have to sit it out for a while and see if Nintendo do release the dreaded 'anti-region free' patch. Oh and that router that was giving me grief? It's more or less working now (I'm not even sure if it is or isn't compatible any more) although the connection isn't great.
Now what have I been playing this week? Well I've tried the demo for Triggerheart Excelia and if there's only 5 more levels of that in the full game it's way too short. I also tried the demo for n+ and that was okay. But as for full games I finally finished Halo 3 on legendary, played through some more of GH3, played a little Puzzle Pirates, worked my way through another few sections of Bioshock and become even more obsessed with Pokemon Diamond (seen: 311, captured: 232). My brother also bought us Marble Blast Ultra (for some reason) this week but more importantly while I was still pondering what to buy he picked up Burnout Paradise. I've gotta say the soundtrack, the presentation, the amount of content and the plain open-endedness of the game is absolutely awesome; it's a really exciting game to play and I don't think I've ever had this much fun with a driving game before.
Now I'd just like to talk about what I found to be the most interesting piece of news on the site this week. A study has been conducted this says over 50% of males have played an avatar of the opposite sex in an MMO and the same applies for 60% of females. Interesting because these statistics are shocking? No, interesting because the study was so amazingly flawed, with only 119 participants. The real knowledge from this study comes from what some participants and quite a few Gamespot users said, it is actually more benficial gameplay-wise to play a female character as people tend to act nicer to you.. I wonder if there's any difference depending on what in-game race you are.
Anyway I'll leave you now as I did last week with another jab at Jack Thompson who is now apparently a 'mass shooting expert'. You may have already seen this but it's enthralling to see how far he actually gets into his rant before he blames the whole thing on video games (roughly 7 seconds). I'd like to see the day a 27 year old tries to gun down his school mates with a Wii zapper. Anyway the new episode of Pure Pwnage will be coming out tonight so I'll be watching that and shoutout to PJ24, Mars188, Neojedi, Arc (who gave me a free Chikorita) and Fishdalf who celebrates his brthday today. Peace out!