Well another week gone past and I'm thankful for the good, angry with the bad (why so much bad all of a sudden?). Anyway my bro bought Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved on Sunday so I now have a full version of that on my hard drive. My friend Mirco lent me yet another game, The Orange Box but since I might be getting it for Christmas I'm saving up the Half-Life 2 games until then and only playing Portal and Team Fortress 2. I've completed Portal and the game was every bit as good as I expected it to be and maybe even a little more, absolutely loved it and Team Fortress 2 is a great game too, it's strange how in the heat of battle all the cartooniness becomes almost normal. I'm returning Oblivion to him soon, but I'm not too sad about that, I didn't get amazingly far into the game.
I'm gonna pick up Super Mario Galaxy very soon, the game still looks brilliant and I really gotta have it, I even watched Gamespots gameplay marathon (I was 'Phil from Great Britain' who asked the question about the star bits :P) and still wanted more. There are lots of games I wanna get but that's jumped to the top of my list and I still really feel like a Nintendo fan at heart, even with my new console. I was also intrigued by the new Mii Contest Channel, it is surprisingly fun trying to create the ultimate Mii for the contest of browsing through the Miis of clever celebrities on the internet but there's one thing Nintendo needs to get on top of immediately. People have been exploiting the Mii channel and creating Miis that appear to have certain items on their heads (you'll know what I mean if you checked the top 50 Miis recently). This is about as family-friendly as a console gets and Nintendo need to do something immediately, even if it's adding an awkwardly placed grey button with the words 'report to moderators' on it (not realistically going to happen), it really is sick.
Lastly just a few friend-related things. Firstly I have a friend (whose name shall remain confidential) who works at the local Morrsions (don't know if you have them in America) and the supermarket has taken to selling a few video games and got their mits on Super Mario Galaxy, all employees were allowed to reserve a copy but my mate and possibly other employees at the store all got a copy of the game one day early! For-shame Morrisons. Thanks to Fishdalf and Mars188 who commented on my last blog and thanks for advice Mars but over in the UK we have GAME and sometimes local supermarkets will stock a small number of games and that's pretty much it, although we do seem to have less stock problems (excluding Wii... Poor Ninty). Also a shoutout to zxv33 who has had more than her fair share of hell working at Gamestop and Renegadez187 who was banned for who knows what reason, he posted revealing pictures of anime girls but that was within his own blog and Gamespot never seemed to complain, but he got suspended for a week when he made a sexual reference in one of his blogs and then a day or two later 'GAME OVER, This user has been banned' so who knows what's up, anyway to Renegadez and all those great games!