Hype has made many games of this generation look to good to be true. Take Resident Evil 5. Everyone thought this was going to be a step up for the Resident Evil franchise. But, what we got - same controls as the past game, no "running and gunning", short campaign modes and way to easy zombies. Although, we did get amazing graphics, good story, enemies, unlockables, countless boss fights and good AI. Hype made it look the biggest game of 2009, it nearly was, with it's high - ish scores, but not good enough. Look at Killzone 2, alot more hype, and it paid off. It brought us great visuals and online play, to a certain limit, but a short campaign mode and some AI issues, i think. Hype has made games go either ways, especially with the whole "Console Wars" thing, over the Playstation and the Xbox. I, for one, am sick of it, I hate this "Console War" and way to hyped games. Why don't we stick to it, Playstation jas our own good exclusives, like Infamous, Killzone 2, Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid 4. While Xbox has Crackdown and great franchises like Halo and Gears Of War. And hype adds to the whole "Console War" thing, Hype - a ongoing war.
So, after that little "issue" I am ready to tell everyone about my new purchases, trade - Ins and reviews. I recently bought Army Of Two and within 2 days I have completed it, twice. I rated it 8/10, it is actually really good. Gamespot gave it a stupid score of 6.5, which is really harsh. It is fun, and the graphics are way better than everyone says, almost movie like cutscenes and mission breifings, of course, it is know where close to Metal Gear Solid 4, but it is really enjoyable. I have wrote a review on it so be sure to check it out! I have also traded in Battlefield Bad Company, and plan to trade in Virtua Fighter 5 and Blacksite. Any idea's on what I should trade in? It would be a great help! But, I have to dash, I have got some serious fun to be having on Army Of Two. So for now, bye!