I have recently bought a few games (Oblivion was bloody out of stock everwhere I went, so was The Orange Box) for very low prices from my local game stores and super markets. You may be surprised with my buys, but I actually do like them all, allot! I have bought Riddick: Assualt On Dark Athena, which by the way is fantastic, and i rated it 9/10. I bought Blacksite, which is actually, by my surprise a ok game. I bought Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box (mind-blowing), Virtua Fighter 5 and Rainbow Six Vegas. Now you may be wondering why I got a few old games, and Blacksite which got really bad reviews. I actually like it, read my review for yourself, which points out some great features of the game! I am now officialy in paradise, with Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box. I adore it, the best racing/free-roam game I have EVER played in a long time. I love the graphics, the enviroment, the cars and the radio station's!
So I have reviewed all the games I have recently bought, and I am now currently planning my on-going purchase list. You can view that at the end of this blog. Although, with the games I bought, when I complete a few (Blacksite for instance) I will trade them in to go to my future purchases. Now, i am off to blast some aliens to hell in Blacksite, so bye for now. I know, i know, this was a very short blog, but I plan to do a very large one at the end of the week, so i won't be posting until then! Bye.
- Oblivion
- The Orange Box
- Infamous
- Prototype
- Batman Arkham Asylum
- Street Fighter 5
- Bionic Commando