Thanks, everybody :) I can't seem to find any downloadable versions of it on places like Amazon, iTunes, ect--anybody know of a safe site to download the song files on?
Gamergambit109's forum posts
Fallout 3. When Dad sacrificed himself like that, I found myself saying "Daddy! NOOOO!" in an extremely pathetic fashion. His death still makes me shake my head in sorrow. Plus, I miss hearing Liam Neeson's voice. I guess I'll always have the holotapes.
The game has such profound depth, whether its the wasteland itself or the quirky people that survive in it. Everything about it was so well programmed and executed, it makes me come back and play it again and again. Sometimes I even find myself missing Miss Wisconsin (Moira :p), and am still creeped out that the voice is the same as Mom's in Better Days.
As pumped as I am for Skyrim, I just hope they fix the combat, and add more storylines. I want to love someone with fierce loyalty in the Nordland as much as I still fondly think of "Dad". :p
Okay, so you know the almost peaceful, no danger day time music that plays when you're walking around the Wasteland? And the almost chilling, night time no danger music? What soundtrack are those on? And what are their names? Can't find them anywhere. Help, please.
So I just bought Fallout 3 for twenty bucks. I thought it was a steal. Then I saw the GOTY edition.
I've already nearly completed Fallout 3--but if I buy the GOTY version, and play that disc instead, will I be able to keep playing my same character? Or do I have to start over?
I just started playing Fallout 3, but I already want more. Should I get the packs in order, or does it matter?
I'm not sure about it being a flaw, but its pretty common to find a couple of little inaccuracies in just about everything. You should work for a game testing company, and use your perfectionist-isms for good.
Oh! And if anyone is curious about the game, you should check out either the Game Informer podcast (available on the skyrim site, or on itunes) or the magazine article. It addresses things like: Polearms and spears: (No spears, no polearms, unfortunately ) Horses (Unknown) Dragon combat, and more.
I know, right? Everything about it looks flippin' sweet.
I'm trying not to get too hyped up for it, though...because, when I actually get my hands on it nine months from now, I'm sure I'll have waaaayy too high expectations. So I'm going to fly low right now on the hype meter, pray that this year flies by QUICKLY!--and be happy with the result :)
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