To Gearbox, some advice from a loyal fan who also happens to be a law student. Yes, the suit is without merit. Yes, allowing it to proceed could inflict a negative precedent on designers who significantly change a game after showing off demo footage. And yes, the Court will most likely dismiss the suit or grant them summary judgment (dismissal more likely).
But here's the thing. In this case, the firm bringing the suit is ABSOLUTELY right. The experience promised to me and thousands of other Alien movie fans was ripped away from us because the game was not given a priority by the developing game studio. Borderlands 2 was not even a significant offshoot of Borderlands 1: we have a group of characters working together to get rich. The Aliens game could have been great with the proper amount of devoted time,effort, and a dedicated staff. So I think this suit should proceed because everyone who bought that game was SO disappointed with it that they had to return it the next day. The value of the game is practically a negative number because GameStop is having such a hard time getting rid of the used copies of it. There should be consequences when a game loses so much potential overnight, and the fans unaware of the loss buy the game anyway thinking they'll have the rewarding gaming experience they were promised.
And Colonial Marines had some of the biggest plot holes I've ever seen in a game. Even bigger than the ones in Prometheus. Congratulations, Sega and Gearbox. You managed to make a poorly written prequel movie look better by comparison. That's not something to be proud of.
@Chris_Watters Seeing a new perspective is always a satisfying experience. And the world of the mundane to one person is an absolute mystery to others. Game designers should always test the boundaries of what becomes familiar and alien when they are creating or revitalizing an idea. Ecco has always been a new experience, and I look forwards to seeing what they can do with it with modern graphics.
@Pierce_Sparrow Honestly, at this point, a lot of the fans are getting disappointing continuations to the series they had back in the day. But the problem is those games were legends, and living up to them with today's standards is nearly impossible. Having a character's story line embellished even a little, although disappointing, is still worth it in its own small way.
Alright people, if you're looking for a game as great as Black Ops or Dead Space, you probably won't find it here. However, if you're a fan of the Alien series as a whole, this game will be the solution you've been waiting for. It's important to remember that Gearbox games are great when appealing to the fans, but not the masses. Look at Duke Nukem Forever - I don't know any veterans of the series who claim they weren't satisfied.
Reduce the price, and make sure to install a fail safe or something so that your game gets saved in case the system ever crashes or freezes, if you cannot fix that problem altogether.
Dead Rising is, perhaps, the best zombie game ever. There are a few flaws, like the whole survivor system. Wouldn't it be easier if you could be like GRAW and order your survivors to go to a certain location by showing them your map? Also, why can't other survivors support each other? For example, can't Bill from the Entrance Plaza carry Leah from the Alfresca area? It would make keeping them alive so much easier to manage.
Gamerguy2915's comments