This is something I have been thinking a lot on, as I played Modern Warfare 2 countless of times before, one disappointing thing about it is that there is no real feel of helping out players other than putting some extra bullets in your enemy, getting an assist that way, no medkits, no way to give out ammo or anything, unless you call for the drop package and just let the others loot it, but of course, that is quite a stupid thing to do since you risk on giving it to the enemy due to the extra time on taking the package.
As I was playing the PC beta on Bad Company 2, everything felt completely different this time around, I felt like I was a part of a good cause, or at least, helpful, as I was dropping out ammo boxes to my squad members up on the sniping hill (as I like to call it), while they obviously where too busy spotting enemies, I still felt like they at least appreciated the extra ammo, they would run out sooner or later anyway.
Another thing on being helpful is the times you spot an enemy tank, but you don't have the means to fully counter it, looking straight at it and pressing Q (Communication Button) is always a good way to go, letting your team know that there is a tank around, and exactly where, might give your team the upper hand before it's too late.
Why Battlefield is a good example on this is not only because you can aid your fellow players on the battlefield by other means than killing, but DICE also designed it so it's heavily encouraged, you get points for healing, reviving, restocking, saving, and even points if a team member kills a target you marked with the Communication button.
In short, maybe this is what MW2 is missing to be truly great, other than the obvious need of dedicated servers. the form of being helpful, TF2 has it in many ways, I always thank the Medic for example, and I always thank the Engineer that built that dispenser in the corner as well, I always thank a team mate if he just saved my hide from a insane pyro, or any other classes that might be wanting to paint me with my own blood.
In short, being able to help your team and get rewarded for it, or at least encourage the player to do it in one or many ways, might be the key for a more fun experience, or a more friendly one, if anything, I'm tired of being shouted out as a "noob" or insulted in some other way because of things I couldn't even do anything about, I think we all can agree that we should always obey the Golden Rule even in gaming for the best experience, but, well, just don't be helping the other team. Alright? ;)
What do you think? Should we all try to be helpful in videogames, or should we all be lone wolf commandos and just do everything for your own benefits and never trust anyone?