My Goldeneye 007 clan, Armed Rouge ((AR)), needs more team mates! We are currently a clan of 6, which are as follows: -(AR)Brad -(AR)FIREST(AR)TA(Formerly (AR)BadHunta and Firestarter) -(AR)D(AR)KDRAGON(Foremerly (AR)Dragon12 and (AR)Ray) -(AR)PinkMist (Foremerly (AR)Amber and (AR)EmoAmber) -(AR)SlasherJ -(AR)Deadeye Any takers? -(AR)Brad P.S. We only except people above level 20, unless its extreme circumstances.
-Star Fox -Mario -Pokemon -Pikmin (Please, Nintendo, PLEASE!!!) -James Bond shooters (No real name for the series) -F-Zero -Kirby (And none of this Epic Yarn crap. I want true blue (Er, pink) Kirby side scrollers!!!) -Sonic -Smash Bros. That's all I got.
Yeees! That would be awesome. I love the GameCube. I'd totally get Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pokemon Colloseum, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, Mario Kart Double Dash, the list goes on and on..... (Even though I own hallf these games in disc form). I wonder if GCN games would be able to connect to Wi-Fi for wireless multiplayer like they could in ye olden days when you spent $50.00 on a network adaptor?
Hey, everyone. I just got off of a game with a person named "AI" on Goldeneye 007 Wii's Wi-Fi multiplayer. I was just wondering if anyone knew him (Or if he goes on these forums). I want him for my group, because he's an awesome player. Anyways, yeah, if you know him could you leave his e-mail or some way to contact him? No fakers, please. -(AR)Brad
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