Today, I had a little extra cash on hand. So since Im a fan of the sixth generation games (the PS2, Xbox and GC period), I thought I would buy an Xbox 1 with some of its exclusives. Ive been mostly a Playstation guy since I defected from Nintendo to Sony at the end of the N64 and PS1 era, but there were some exclusives Ive been wanting to try for Xbox. Here are the games I got for it:
Project Gotham Racing
Halo 1 and 2
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Crimson Skies
With the exception of Halo 2, Ive played a little bit of each and overall,Im not disappointed. The only disappointment is that Xbox Live is no longer available for the original system. Next week, I plan on getting more. Heres what I will be looking out for:
Project Gotham Racing 2
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II
Colin Mcrae Rally 04 or 2005
Star Wars Republic Commando
Far Cry
Im also open to suggestions so feel free to recommend something.
As for Gamespots best of 2010, I have mixed feelings. Im glad that people are getting the chance to vote for their favorite game but the list on each different award should contain more games than the ones GS provided. There were a lot of good games that came out this year that I thought should be recognized and put on those lists. Also, I dont appreciate some of the comments people put such as: "That game shouldnt be there." "How is that game getting so many votes? It clearly sucked." "Hacking must be going on." "People clearly dont know what a good game is" and so on. The reason why GS has these reader awards is so people can vote for their favorite game without the fear of being demonized by the multiple trolls that prowl the forums. An example of this is in the RPG game of the year awards were FFXIII is currently in second place. When that happened, the poop hit the fan basically as it has started a firestorm in the comments. They have to learn to respect the peoples opinions and not go into a hater rage. Its one thing to hate a game, but its another thing to hate the people that liked it. I guess they dont realize that there are a lot of silent people who liked the game. The truth can hurt sometimes. So, I would like to thank GS for giving every gamer the chance to make their voices heard and may the best games win.
Merry Christmas