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Just picked up Black Ops, Resonance of Fate and Folklore.

I enjoyed Black Ops. I played it through in one sitting so yes, it is just as short as MW2 but the campaign was very enjoyable. Im just getting underway with Folklore and Resonance of Fate. I got these two because Im lacking in the RPG department on my PS3. Up till now, Final Fantasy XIII was the only RPG I had for PS3. Folklore is interesting so far,with the exception of the goofy looking enemies, Im liking it. So I wonder why Gamespot gave it a 7? Probably because of the anti-PS3 media of the time. As for Resonance of Fate, its different because its the only JRPG Ive seen without swords. Its all guns and grenades but the action is very flashy and fun to watch, Im just not sure about its story. Im around an hour into the game and so far, Im doing nothing but odd jobs. There so far has been nothing to exactly pull me into the games world. I will keep going and hope the game will pick up soon. My next game purchase will most likely be Gran Turismo 5. I have been waiting a long time for it. Well, I guess thats all for now. Later then.