REGION: United Kingdom
PSN ID: Demonic18
PSP: Nope
GAMES: Don't play Multi-Player, but like to have people to chat to and look at Trophys. Welcome any and all, just send me a request, and also pm me from time to time about Games :)
GamingMaster06's forum posts
I have a posing Question: Do you feel comfortable buying a Game that is made by (to yourself) an unknown Company? Would you be willing to let yourself spend your hard earned cash on a Game you think you may like, however you are unsure about as It's made by a upcoming Game Developer.
I myself have thought about purchasing several Games in the past and Im glad I have waiting because they did'nt all turn out great. But If we don't give these Games some backing will there ever be a nice' in the market for New Companies?
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